Wednesday, June 1, 2011
50% of Americans Regularly Breathe Unhealthy Polluted Air: New Study
Publication Date: 4/27/11
Graphic: This shows a chart of all the pollutants commonly released by air pollution and their sources and health effects. Also, if you click on the link that says website for this image on google, the website is very helpful and has good information on air pollution.
Summary: Can you really wrap your mind around the fact that more than half our population lives in places where it is unhealthy to breathe?This statistic is mindboggling and the major sources of this pollution are the same sources there have been for the last decade. Those sources include: auto emissions, oil refineries, and factories, just to name a few. Despite the fact that our air quality is getting better and there is a trend of improvement, we still have 154 million Americans that routinely breath in air that is detrimental to human health. Something needs to be done in order to improve the health and safety of our country. The Clean Air Act is one of the most powerful laws that has helped us keep air pollution levels decreasing, but in addition, something must be passed or created.
Opinion/Reflection: I think that this is a very concerning statistic and article. Not only are millions of Americans, being put at high risk for asthma, lung cancer, and possibly death, but the air is still being polluted and climate changes are happening. The same sources have remained for the past 10 years, yet scientists and others have yet to come up with a solution. Sure, there are alternative energy sources, but those sources have some downfalls and are usually expensive, whereas fossil fuels can be cheap and can produce a lot of energy. The way that this ties in to my life is that my relatives live in California and if they were to die of lung cancer, it would probably be related to the terrible air pollution there. All in all, this is a serious problem and hopefully this study will raise awareness about the dangerous situation we are in.
3 Questions:
1. Are you concerned about this statistic?
2. Should there be another law in adddition to the Clean Air Act? If so, what would the law say and prohibit/regulate?
3. Do you think that Horsham and areas around Philadelphia are part of the 154 million Americans breathing in unhelathy pollutants?
Monday, May 30, 2011
To Cut Smog, Navistar Blazes Risky Path of Its Own
Publication Date: Tom Zeller Jr and Norman Mayersohn
Summary: Navistar, truck maker company, has come up with a new engine to release less Nitrogen oxide. Nitrogen oxide is a main cause of smog to occur. In 2o10, all truck companies had to make all new engines being made to release nearly zero limits of nitrogen oxide levels. Navistar decided to go a different route and make an engine that releases a nuetralized level of nitrogen oxide. They claim that the new add on technology that has be required is so flawed that it does not meet clean air requirements. However, even this newly developed engine has a flaw of its own. Reducing the temperature combustion will reduce nitrogen oxide emissions, but doing this will increase soot. Soot levels can be reduced by alternating the timing of combustion, but that raises fuel consumption. If this new engine is approved by the EPA, then it will be up to other truck companies to buy this product to reduce smog from occuring.
The picture shows the new engine being tested in Navistar.
Opinion: I think this is a great idea to lower the chances of smog occuring. Not only will this engine benefit to less smog but it will also help the environment be less polluted. Also this engine is like a new alternative engery to keep our environment clean. Using this engine can help decrease the chances of a smog as bad as the one in Denora from ever happening again. I remember learning in class that the Denora smog happening from too many pollutants being released in the air from factories and vehicles. This new engine can be a very big step to reducing air pollution.
1) Do you think this engine is a good idea?
2) If you were another truck company would you buy this engine from Navistar?
3) Do you think the increased release of soot could be a problem to our environment?
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Breast Cancer Possibly Linked to Air Pollution
Monday, May 23, 2011
EPA Releases Final Report on Toxic Air Pollution Near Manhattan
Author: Elias Rodriguez
Date: 5-19-2011
Summary: The EPA tested the Intermediate School 143 of Manhattan, New York, a middle school for several air pollutants. They started testing in April and it lasted for two months. The main pollutants the EPA was testing for was 1,3-butadiene and benzene which come primarily from mobile sources such as; cars, trucks and buses. Since Manhattan is filled with transportation, it was the perfect representative for this study. It was revealed that there are no huge amounts of pollutants to cause much harm.
Opinion: I think this is great. I like to see people actually doing something to make sure, even if the situation is fine. The EPA showed that by testing the air quality of Manhattan. They could have said, “Eh, what’s the point of testing for if it will just give us results and no improvement.” I’m happy to see the air is not extremely toxic (yet) and that some people are doing their job in this country.
This picture is a good visual of the streets and how much pollution can be given off in just that tiny little second the picture was taken.
1) Should our school have the same tests done?
2) What other tests could our district do?
3) Are you glad to see stuff is being done?
4) What is another representative for a different type of test?
5) If their tests came up that they did have excessive pollution, what might of that done to their future lives?
Saturday, May 14, 2011
New Jersey an unlikely leader in solar energy
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Trash Sorting Robot Could Reduce Waste Going to Lanfill by 50%
Author: Jaymi Heimbuch
Publication Date: 4/20/11
Summary: I think that this is a great invention for our world and could be very beneficial to our community. Many times items that can be recycled are thrown out and this new robot may be the key to preserving those recyclabes from going to landfills. This robot would use metal detection, weight measurement, and 3-D scanning, just to name a few of the ways the robot would be able to detect these recycables. If this robot is succesful it could both help recycle more items and lower the trash amount and at the same time can help the health and safety of workers who have to sort through hazardous trash such as construction trash. All in all, this robot was a great invention and will shortly play a major role in our world.
Opinion: I am fascinated by how advanced our technology is that we are able to have a robot sort our own trash for us. However, it is a shame that this robot needed to be invented and we in the first place should be aware of what to recycle and what not to so we would not be sending recyclabes to landfills. Despite this, this robot is a great opportunity for us to conserve more space to store our trash and to reuse more products. The way that this connects with my personal life is in a bad way. Usually, I have the terrible habit of throwing out my water bottles and gatorade bottles into the trash instead of recycling them. I hope to improve and grow out of this habbit. Hopefully, if my trash was on a conveyor belt, the robot would be able to pick out my recyclabes and reuse them. Overall, this robot was a great idea and will benefit many people in the near future.
3 Questions:
1. Do you think that this robot is a good idea? Why or why not?
2. Should we use this robot to replace workers who sort trash?
3. Would you use this robot at your home for your own personal trash if you could?
Friday, May 6, 2011
Futuristic Laptop Concept Features Solar Panel Cover, Charger
Date: 5-4-11
Summary: Developed by Laura Karnath and Carl Burdick, the Lifebook Leaf is a great idea that may solve many issues with the environment's energy problem. It is an overall nice design. The flexible screen can be folded into a flat surface (almost like an iPad) or like a laptop. There is a rubber interior to prevent screen-scratching. There is also an exterior shell so the device can become waterproof. There are even three cameras for the use of 3D photography and depth sensing is possible. That is for the use of gestures to operate the system or you can use the touch screen. On top of all of that, the exterior is a giant solar panel so it can be charged without the use of electronic plug-ins.
Opinion: This is a great thing to have been made. Personally, last year my sister left home. She left her Mac computer behind and let me use it. The battery drained out a lot and I felt like it always had to be charged. If the computer was solar powered, I could have had light hitting it during the day and I would not have wasted so much energy. These new computer could save time, money and energy. I believe if everybody used one of these, we could waste tons less fuels to get electricity to charge the batteries. Hopefully the new technology is open and affordable to enough people.
Graphic: Well, the graphic I had in mind is on the article itself. So here’s the link again...
1) Would you use this?
2) Do you think it might look dorky or cool?
3) How often do you usually charge you laptop now (or other electronic device) and would it be beneficial to not have a low battery?
4) Do you think you would leave your laptop outside to charge while you are doing something else inside, or would that be too much of a risk?
5) On a comparison scale, how much electronic energy could schools across the world if they all switched to solar powered devises?
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Solar-Powered UAV Can Stay Aloft for Years
Monday, May 2, 2011
The Drive Toward Hydrogen Vehicles Just Got Shorter
Author: Science Daily Staff
Publication Date: March 21, 2011
Summary: Hydrogen possess a high energy content per unit mass compared to petroleum, it can be used to run fuel cells, which can then be used to power a very clean engine. The Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and other companies have been working on trying to get hydrogen to be used to power cars. Ammonia borane is a chemical hydride that can store hydrogen. Scientist like this chemical because it can store up to 20% which can permit hydrogen-fueled vehicles to travel over 300 miles on one tank. The problem was that scientists had no way of recycling ammonia borane. However, scientist have found a simple way to regenerate ammonia borane from a hyrdrogen depleted spent fuel form back into usable fuel, reactions taking place in a single container. Researchers see vehicles with interchangable tanks so people can hand in their used tank to be recharge in a factory and then to be used once again when the recharge is complete. Many scientist see this process becoming closer and closer to being used.
Graphic: This graphic shows how ammonia burane is transformed into hydrogen fuel.,r:2,s:0&tx=61&ty=55
Opinion: I think that could be very helpful to out environment to not cause air pollution. If cars were powered with hydrogen, then carbon dioxide would not be released from gas in cars thus lowing the CO2 releases in the atmosphere. Using hydrogen powered vehiciles could lower the amout of gas being used. With gas being nonrenewable, and with scientists predicts we will eventually run out of it, hydrogen powered cars could be the answer to powering cars in a new way with out gas. With the cost of gas prices going up because it is nonrenewable, using hydrogen powered cars could save people money. I know that when my parents go to get gas and I'm with them, we watch the meter as the price increases every gallon. By the time our tank is full, my parents are paying $60 to $70 for a full tank of gas. I know that when I start to drive, I will not be able to pay that much money every time my car needs to refilled with gas. Hydrogen powered cars would be a great help to save money for people with cars.
1) Do you think hydrogen powered cars are a good idea?
2) Would you buy a hydrogen powered car?
3) Do you think hydrogen powered cars could be the solution to replacing gas powered cars?
4) Do you think that is recharge able tank could work in cars?
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Does Organic Food Need a Marketing Campaign?
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Why Aren't G.M.O Foods Labeled?
Friday, April 8, 2011
Drug-Resistant 'Superbug' Found in New Delhi Water
Author: Jaymi Heimbuch
Date: 4-7-11
Summary: An antibiotic resistant organism was found in New Delhi’s water. This organism, metallo-beta-lactamase 1 (NDM-1, is a superbug. Many tests of India's water supply have been done to prove NDM1 is there. Nearly one third of the samples of surface water came up positive, and four percent came up positive in tap water. These numbers dont seem big now, but they most likely aren't getting lower. Due to the warmer months, and monsoons in India, the chance of this superbug spreading is exceptionally high. The bug is mostly transferred to India and Britain tourists getting medical surgery.
Opinion: I think this is bad. About 8 months ago, I read about this superbug. The only information on it was that it was resistant to nearly all antibiotics and it originated from plastic surgery through India and Europe. I thought nothing of it because nobody was talking about it and the few people I talked to were very confused and almost mockingly acting when I told them. Now that I see it is making bigger headlines, and a bigger commotion, it may be the new H1N1 virus, (Which I also had heard about before the big talk happened.) This ties into class really well because we were discussing how things become drug resistant. I hope we can get this superbug from spreading too far around the world.
Graphic: Right on the website if you click on the title, there is a picture of somebody getting water in India, even though it might be not clean.
1) Have you heard of NDM1?
2) Do you think we can find a different antibiotic for NDM1?
3) Do you think this will affect exports from India like rice?
4) What protective measures would you take?
5) Do you think this is dangerous?
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
F.D.A and Dairy Industry Spar Over Testing of Milk
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Cracking the Genetic Code of Brown Tides
Publication Date: 2/22/11
Summary: In this article, scientists analyzed a certain type of algal bloom and the genome, or biological source code, to find the parts that make up this organism. Algal blooms can have deadly effects on marine ecosystems by reducing the amount of light and oxygen available. The specific bloom that scientists did a study on was the Aureococcus anophagefferens, a nontoxic bloom that thrives in polluted areas. Although the certain type of algal bloom is not toxic to humans, it poisons marine life and blocks sunlight from underwater vegetation and organisms. These blooms create something known as brown tides which are caused because of human activity and the pollutants that we put in the water. All in all, we must all be aware of what we put in our water or else it could result in algal blooms growing all along the east coast, wiping out marine ecosystems and fish populations for good.
Opinion/Reflection: I think that it is a bad thing that we have algal blooms at all. Algal blooms do not grow naturally , but are a result of nutrient pollution. We are the reason that these algal blooms are forming and wiping out fish populations and vegetation. Although we do not realize it, we are actually hurting ourselves. If we put in all these nutrients into the waterways and there is no fish, our economy will fall even lower and there will be no more marine animals to eat, trade, or sell. The way that these blooms connect with my own life is that my family and I usually go to the beach twice a year. If one day I walk onto the beach and I see a sign that says sorry beach closed-algal blooms, I would not be able to swim. These algal blooms do not have one positive effect on animals or humans and we need to quickly raise awareness and and eradicate algal blooms.
1. What are some ways we can prevent nutrient pollution?
2. How do algal blooms create dead zones?
3. What would happen if all our seas were covered with mats of algal blooms?
4. How can we raise awareness of the dangers o0f algal blooms and their devastating effects?
Graphic: This is the link to a picture of a bay in New York where there is a brown tide and you can clearly see the discoloring of the water and can only imagine the effects of what is underneath that brown water.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Louisiana's Wetlands: A Lesson In Nature Appreciation
Author: John Tibbetts
Publication Date: Janurary 2006
Summary: Many of you have heard about Hurricane Katrina taking a huge hit in New Orleans in 2005. But did you know that this disaster could accually have been some what prevented if the wetlands along the coast of Louisiana had be maintianed and preserved. Now they would not have stopped the hurricane all together, however, the amount of damage that was brought could have been less if the wetlands where there to slow down the storm. There are many causes as to why the wetlands were eliminated along the coast of louisiana. One is the developement of levees, an embankment designed to prevent the flood of a river, these were build along the Mississippi River. The Mississippi River has many of its tributaries run all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico bringing its sedements with it. This allowed huge quantities of silt to settle and nurish the wetlands down south. When the levees were built it stopped this process. The amount of damage that was brought on New Orleans could have been prevented if people had payed attention to the decrease in wetlands along the coast of Louisiana.
Opinion: I did not know that the Mississippi had such a big impact on the wetlands that were on the coast of Louisiana. People think that levees help prevent floods in the places they are built but they can cause flooding and other problems in places that depend on those rivers allow the water to travel to those places. If these levees had not been put up then the wetlands along the Louisiana coast could still be there. Wetlands are important because they help prevent flooding, they need to be preserved. In my backyard there are wetland that run throught my neighborhood. During heavy rains, rain water runs to the wetlands which taken in and carry water to a creek nearby. I never realized that this could prevent flooding in my neighborhood.
1) Do you think that levees are a good thing or bad?
2) Do you think we can restore the wetlands in Louisiana?
3) Do you think the decrease in wetlands in Louisiana could have been avoided?
Friday, March 11, 2011
EPA Encourages Americans to Save Water During Fix a Leak Week
Author: Richard Yost
Publication: United States Environmental Protection Agency
Date: 3-11-11
Summary: The EPA is promoting their third annual Fix a Leak Week, March 14 through 20. Across the country, household leaks waste over 1 trillion gallons of water per year. That is enough to support Chicago, Miami and Los Angles combined. Water leaks are easy and efficient to fix and you can save a lot of money and water in the end. If a family of four's water usage exceeded 12,000 gallons per month this winter, it is suggested they might have a water leak. Some ways to fix a leak and participate in the event, is to check for leaks by dropping some food coloring droplets in your toilet tank and flushing it to see if it appears in the bowl. Also, you can go to every pipe and make sure it’s on tight enough. Since this program started it saved more than 46 billion gallons of water and $343 million in water and sewer bills.
Opinion: I think this is great. It is really spreading awareness to homeowners that leaks can happen and are wasting water. I also think this will help a lot of people with water shortages. If the water is not wasted, then we will be able to use it later. I hope that this year will be very successful in helping our country save money and water.
This picture shows a way on how to fix a leaky pipe. Just glue a rubber strip to the puncture and tighten a clamp around the side of the pipe. Of course I'm no plumber, but it seems to me what is happening.
1) Will you help out your self with bills and help out the earth with water by checking your pipes this Monday?
2) What’s another thing we can do to contribute to the event?
3) Is this an effective way of dealing with water leaks?
4) What is your opinion on the idea of having a week to do this? Or should you always be checking your pipes?
5) Name other ways water could be wasted every day other than leaks.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Water Regionally Abundant in Great Lakes Basin, but not Always When and Where it’s Needed
Monday, March 7, 2011
68 Percent of New England and Mid-Atlantic Beaches Eroding
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Destructive Impact of Invasive Species Measured in 57 Countries
Publication Date: 1/27/10
Summary: There are various threats to biodiversity in our world and invasive species is just one, but is a major threat to biodiversity. In a study of 57 countries, studies show that each country had approximately 50 non-native species. These invasive species can be deadly for food chains and can lead to extinction for some animal populations. One example of an invasive species taking over is the rat which has grown in numbers and has made the Yellowhead, a bird native to New Zealand, suffer greatly. Here is a picture of the Yellowhead ( pages/yellowhead mohua 1.html). In the study made by the Global Invasive Species Programme, the number of introduced species per country ranged from as low as 9 (Equatorial Guinea) to as high as 222 (New Zealand). In all, there was a total of 542 invasive species documented and even worse, the report shows that the number of invasive species is severely underestimated. All in all, introduced species contribute to lowering biodiversity and bring destructive impact to both food chains and ecosystems.
Opinion/Reflection: I think it is bad that we have this high number of invasive species. We have only ourselves to blame as we brought these species with us in an effort to rid another species or for other reasons. If we have so many introduced species, certain animal populations will become extremely low and habitats will become changed completely. I usually eat chicken at least 4 times a week. If an invasive species of red foxes took over a habitat where chickens reside, I would not be eating chicken. The biodiversity of the countries in the study are very low because of the invasive species and we need to find a way to contain these species or move them elsewhere.
1. What are some ways that we can contain invasive species or protect native species from invasive species?
2. Is it ever okay to bring an introduced species into your country, knowing the effect it may have?
3. What are some reasons why we bring in introduced species?
4. What would be the consequences of completely exterminating an introduced species?
5. How does introduced species affect both food chains and ecosystems?
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Australia's Floods Endanger An Already Stressed Great Barrier Reef
Summary: On February 5th, a flood hit Australia. This flood had an obvious effect, which is wiping out many of the land’s features. However, there was a secondary effect that wasn’t so noticeable which is destruction to the Great Barrier Reef. “Expected damage will include smashed coral beds, movements of coral boulders, sand and rubble and major disturbance to sea grass beds,” proclaimed the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. “Floodwater can hurt reefs in many ways,” stated Huffington Post. “Coral becomes stressed when the level of salt in the water drops. The high concentration of soil nutrients in floodwater provides food for coral competitors such as certain types of algae. Sediment saps coral of energy by blocking the light it needs to nourish itself, and pesticides in the water can kill the coral outright.” With the marine protected areas, the reefs have been showing signs of coming back from over-fishing, pollution, rising ocean temperatures and changing pH balances. However the current flood was too much for the protectors to…you know, protect the reefs.
Opinion: I think this is not good. Even though that damage is not too bad, and the reef can still recover, for this short amount of time, the fish and plants that make up the reef will be very stressed and confused. If the situation got really bad, the reef would lose all control and not be able to support life. There would be no producers, then no consumers, then no secondary consumers, with a chain reaction leading to a non-existent “Great Barrier Reef.” Last year, I did a research paper on Australia and the reef was amazing, and I wanted to go there when I get a chance. I hope the floods are stopping and Australia can bounce back from the state they’re in now.
1) What effects might this have on the people in Australia?
2) Do you think the floods are almost over?
3) What could be done to prevent further harm to the reefs?
Monday, February 14, 2011
New Hybrid Whale Discovered in Arctic
Author: Brian Handwerk
Published: January 25, 2011
Scientists have recently discovered a new Hybrid Whale. It is a cross between an Antarctic Minke Whale and an Arctic Minke Whale. These two whales were never expected to meet because they live in different hemispheres with different climate changes. The hybrid whale was discovered by Norwegian hunters. Many DNA tests were conducted to prove that the whale is infact a hybrid. As for Antarctic Minke Whales moving north is another discussion. Studies have shown that the amount of krill, a tiny crustacean that whales feed on, have decreased over the past years in the southern hemisphere, causing the Antarctic Minke Whales to leave there area and search for food. Some of them have searched all the way to the Arctic circle and have mated with the Arctic Minke Whales.
I think that the decrease of krill in the south is bad for the Antarctic Minke Whales. It is forcing them to leave their habitat and go somewhere else to search for food. If the Antarctic Minke Whales continue to leave the southern hemisphere, then it might affect the way other animals live in the southern hemisphere. Since there is a decrease in krill, whale species mating with different whale species might not be the best thing because more whales are being produced when there is already a shortage in food. However, I also believe that newHybrid Whales can be interesting to study and can open new ideas about the whale species.
1) Do you think whale hunting is good or bad? Why? Or why not?
2) What do you think about a new Hybrid Whale speices?
3) Do you think it is okay for Southern Minke Whales to travel to the Northern Hemishere?
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Gulf Oil Has Entered the Food Web, Scientists Say
Author: Seth Borenstein
Publication Date: 11/8/10
For the first time ever, scientists say that oil has made it into the food web. After the BP oil spill a lot of oil was in the Gulf of Mexico. Researchers say that plankton' in those waters have been eating the oil! Many researchers say that this isn't bad at all. William Graham says that the oil has continued its way on in the carbon cycle because marine life has eaten the carbon in the oil as if they were eating the carbon in marine producers. Surprisingly, it is said that the marine creatures from the Gulf of Mexico are still healthy to eat even though they have oil in them. The amount of plankton in the Gulf of Mexico is said to be equal or greater that before the BP oil spill.
I think that it is great that the oil from the BP oil spill didn't affect the marine life in the Gulf of Mexico. It is cool to know that it has made its way into the food web in that area. I am surprised to know that there are the same if not more plankton in the Gulf of Mexico even though they have oil in them! I never realized that this oil is still in the carbon cycle. I picked this article because it is really cool to learn that oil has entered the food web in the Gulf. It is important to know that the fish are healthy in the Gulf of Mexico because some people were concerned that they weren't.
1. Do you think that it is good or bad that plankton have been eating the oil? Why or why not?
2.Do you think that it is cool that the oil has made it into the carbon cycle?
3.Do you trust that the marine life in the Gulf of Mexico is healthy to eat? Why or why not?
4.If you were a scientist would you be concerned about the food web in that area?
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Climate Change Workshop To Feature Leading Scientists
Ben rocks...NOT (test)