Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Climate Change Workshop To Feature Leading Scientists

Title: Climate Change Workshop To Feature Leading Scientists
Author: Leslie Gordon & Joan Jewett
Publication Date: 1/26/2009
Link: http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/article.asp?ID=2116&from=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+UsgsNewsroom+%28USGS+Newsroom%29&utm_content=Google+Reader

More than 450 scientists, policy-makers, resource managers will be meeting at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in San Francisco on January 29th and 30th to discuss changing climate. This two day workshop will feature discussion about climate changing features, such as Sea-level rise, severe winter storms, salmon populations, carbon sequestration, invasive plants, and migratory birds. Speakers from organizations, universities, and science study places will come together. The event is sponsored by the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Geological Survey. The purpose of the workshop is to share information about climate change with natural resource scientists and managers working to conserve the coastal ecosystems of California, Oregon and Washington. It is also to address the challenges associated with a changing climate.  There will be many presentations and discussions.

I think it's pretty cool that they are doing this little work shop. I mean they did it like a year ago but cool. It is pretty important that we talk about climate change because it could really effect the future. I picked this article because it shows that people are actually DOING something about climate change and global warming instead of just sitting on their butts and saying its bad.

1. Do you think this is a good idea and is it actually going to work?
2. Would you go if you had the chance?
3. Do you think they should do stuff like this more often? Why or why not?


  1. This was great (Considering it happened TWO years ago). Meetings by scientists to discuss environmental issues such as the ones stated in the summary, plus other topics should be addressed so that everyone knows what is going on. If everybody knows the truths about what is going on, then everybody has a chance to think of a way to fix it. Hopefully they solved a few problems there and really perfected a couple plans to work to help our environment.

    This site explians what is basically happening with our climate and what's bad for it and why the climate changing is bad for humans.

    Questions Answers:
    (Answer to #1) I think it will work if everyone of the scientists worked together and made a plan.
    (Answer to #3) Yes, maybe seasonally because the world is constantly changing and every issue must be reported and delt with before it gets out of control.

    More Questions:
    Was this meeting very expensive to conduct?

  2. I think that this article was PHENOMINAL! The idea of a whole bunch of scientists gathering together to discuss important issues just dazzles my mind. I hope that they continue to have "gatherings" such as this one. I think that these meetings could accomplish a lot to help society and the environment. I would like to know what was accomplished at this very stupendous meeting.I hope that if these meetings continue we will be able to have a safer and healthier environment!

    Extention: Thiw website goes further into scientists holding conferences to discuss environmental issues http://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?year=2010&program=envscience

    Question Answers:
    1. I think that this is a spectacular idea. I hope that scientists continue to have conferences like this. I think that these could work extremely well.

    2.I would go to these meetings because they seam very very very very very very very very very very extremely very very interesting.

    3.I think that scientists should have meetings like this all of the time because the envirionment is always changing.

    More Questions:
    How much was accomplished at this meeting?

  3. I think that this is a terrific idea to join together scientists, resource managers, and speakers from many different universities to deal with the problems that climate change brings. By holding this workshop, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Geological Survey have made a great opportunity for solutions to arise as to how we can conserve coastal ecosystems. Some of the problems that climate change brings are global warming and the sea levels rising. You may ask how does this affect us, and the answer is that if many species become extinct because they are losing their habitats, we will have no food source and we will begin to perish. I hope that this workshop produced solutions as to how we can fix these problems that climate change creates. Lastly, I am encouraged by the fact that scientists are taking action and doing something about global warming and the serious effects of climate change.

    Extension: http://www.publicaffairs.noaa.gov/releases2001/jan01/noaa01011.html This is an article dealing with the key challenges of climate change.

    http://www.globalissues.org/article/172/climate-change-affects-biodiversity This is an interesting article about the link between climate change and biodiversity and how climate change affects organisms.

    Questions Answers:
    (Answer to Question #2) Yes, I would certainly attend this workshop in order to learn more about climate change and how it affects our world. I think it would be interesting to learn about the challenges that climate change brings and how the world’s leading scientists would solve these problems.

    3 Questions:
    1.How is climate change affecting the coastal ecosystems of California, Oregon, and Washington?

    2.Do scientists annually meet at this workshop and come up with more solutions to conserve coastal ecosystems?

    3.What are some ways that we conserve the ecosystems without further damaging them?

  4. I agree with Becca, it is good that people are getting together to discuss climate change instead of just saying that’s not good. We need to help the environment instead of hurting it. It is important to know what is happening to the environment and how it is changing. I would want to go to a workshop like this because it would make me realize what is happening to the environment when certain things occur. Also, it would inspire me to go out and do something to help keep our environment pollutant free. One thing I already do help the environment is recycle, my family has a big bin in our garage that we use. A couple months ago the community gave everyone in the area a recycling dumpster to encourage everyone to recycle.

    What else can be done to help the environment besides recycling?
    Can anyone get involved in these workshops?
    If so, where can you go find out more information about them?
