Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Destructive Impact of Invasive Species Measured in 57 Countries

Author: Jaymi Heimbuch
Publication Date: 1/27/10
Link: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2010/01/destructive-impact-of-invasive-species-measured-in-57-countries.php

Summary: There are various threats to biodiversity in our world and invasive species is just one, but is a major threat to biodiversity. In a study of 57 countries, studies show that each country had approximately 50 non-native species. These invasive species can be deadly for food chains and can lead to extinction for some animal populations. One example of an invasive species taking over is the rat which has grown in numbers and has made the Yellowhead, a bird native to New Zealand, suffer greatly. Here is a picture of the Yellowhead (http://www.elkeith.com/photography/image pages/yellowhead mohua 1.html). In the study made by the Global Invasive Species Programme, the number of introduced species per country ranged from as low as 9 (Equatorial Guinea) to as high as 222 (New Zealand). In all, there was a total of 542 invasive species documented and even worse, the report shows that the number of invasive species is severely underestimated. All in all, introduced species contribute to lowering biodiversity and bring destructive impact to both food chains and ecosystems.

Opinion/Reflection: I think it is bad that we have this high number of invasive species. We have only ourselves to blame as we brought these species with us in an effort to rid another species or for other reasons. If we have so many introduced species, certain animal populations will become extremely low and habitats will become changed completely. I usually eat chicken at least 4 times a week. If an invasive species of red foxes took over a habitat where chickens reside, I would not be eating chicken. The biodiversity of the countries in the study are very low because of the invasive species and we need to find a way to contain these species or move them elsewhere.

1. What are some ways that we can contain invasive species or protect native species from invasive species?
2. Is it ever okay to bring an introduced species into your country, knowing the effect it may have?
3. What are some reasons why we bring in introduced species?
4. What would be the consequences of completely exterminating an introduced species?
5. How does introduced species affect both food chains and ecosystems?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Australia's Floods Endanger An Already Stressed Great Barrier Reef

Author: Jaymi Heimbuch
Published: 2-15-11

Summary: On February 5th, a flood hit Australia. This flood had an obvious effect, which is wiping out many of the land’s features. However, there was a secondary effect that wasn’t so noticeable which is destruction to the Great Barrier Reef. “Expected damage will include smashed coral beds, movements of coral boulders, sand and rubble and major disturbance to sea grass beds,” proclaimed the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. “Floodwater can hurt reefs in many ways,” stated Huffington Post. “Coral becomes stressed when the level of salt in the water drops. The high concentration of soil nutrients in floodwater provides food for coral competitors such as certain types of algae. Sediment saps coral of energy by blocking the light it needs to nourish itself, and pesticides in the water can kill the coral outright.” With the marine protected areas, the reefs have been showing signs of coming back from over-fishing, pollution, rising ocean temperatures and changing pH balances. However the current flood was too much for the protectors to…you know, protect the reefs.

Opinion: I think this is not good. Even though that damage is not too bad, and the reef can still recover, for this short amount of time, the fish and plants that make up the reef will be very stressed and confused. If the situation got really bad, the reef would lose all control and not be able to support life. There would be no producers, then no consumers, then no secondary consumers, with a chain reaction leading to a non-existent “Great Barrier Reef.” Last year, I did a research paper on Australia and the reef was amazing, and I wanted to go there when I get a chance. I hope the floods are stopping and Australia can bounce back from the state they’re in now.

1) What effects might this have on the people in Australia?
2) Do you think the floods are almost over?
3) What could be done to prevent further harm to the reefs?

Monday, February 14, 2011

New Hybrid Whale Discovered in Arctic

Title: New Hybrid Whale Discovered in Arctic
Author: Brian Handwerk
Published: January 25, 2011
Link: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/01/110125-whales-hybrids-antarctica-arctic-science-animals/

Scientists have recently discovered a new Hybrid Whale. It is a cross between an Antarctic Minke Whale and an Arctic Minke Whale. These two whales were never expected to meet because they live in different hemispheres with different climate changes. The hybrid whale was discovered by Norwegian hunters. Many DNA tests were conducted to prove that the whale is infact a hybrid. As for Antarctic Minke Whales moving north is another discussion. Studies have shown that the amount of krill, a tiny crustacean that whales feed on, have decreased over the past years in the southern hemisphere, causing the Antarctic Minke Whales to leave there area and search for food. Some of them have searched all the way to the Arctic circle and have mated with the Arctic Minke Whales.

I think that the decrease of krill in the south is bad for the Antarctic Minke Whales. It is forcing them to leave their habitat and go somewhere else to search for food. If the Antarctic Minke Whales continue to leave the southern hemisphere, then it might affect the way other animals live in the southern hemisphere. Since there is a decrease in krill, whale species mating with different whale species might not be the best thing because more whales are being produced when there is already a shortage in food. However, I also believe that newHybrid Whales can be interesting to study and can open new ideas about the whale species.


1) Do you think whale hunting is good or bad? Why? Or why not?

2) What do you think about a new Hybrid Whale speices?

3) Do you think it is okay for Southern Minke Whales to travel to the Northern Hemishere?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Gulf Oil Has Entered the Food Web, Scientists Say

Title: Gulf Oil Has Entered The Food Web, Scientists Say
Author: Seth Borenstein
Publication Date: 11/8/10
Link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/11/08/gulf-oil-has-entered-the-_n_780560.html

For the first time ever, scientists say that oil has made it into the food web. After the BP oil spill a lot of oil was in the Gulf of Mexico. Researchers say that plankton' in those waters have been eating the oil! Many researchers say that this isn't bad at all. William Graham says that the oil has continued its way on in the carbon cycle because marine life has eaten the carbon in the oil as if they were eating the carbon in marine producers. Surprisingly, it is said that the marine creatures from the Gulf of Mexico are still healthy to eat even though they have oil in them. The amount of plankton in the Gulf of Mexico is said to be equal or greater that before the BP oil spill.

I think that it is great that the oil from the BP oil spill didn't affect the marine life in the Gulf of Mexico. It is cool to know that it has made its way into the food web in that area. I am surprised to know that there are the same if not more plankton in the Gulf of Mexico even though they have oil in them! I never realized that this oil is still in the carbon cycle. I picked this article because it is really cool to learn that oil has entered the food web in the Gulf. It is important to know that the fish are healthy in the Gulf of Mexico because some people were concerned that they weren't.

1. Do you think that it is good or bad that plankton have been eating the oil? Why or why not?

2.Do you think that it is cool that the oil has made it into the carbon cycle?

3.Do you trust that the marine life in the Gulf of Mexico is healthy to eat? Why or why not?

4.If you were a scientist would you be concerned about the food web in that area?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Climate Change Workshop To Feature Leading Scientists

Title: Climate Change Workshop To Feature Leading Scientists
Author: Leslie Gordon & Joan Jewett
Publication Date: 1/26/2009
Link: http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/article.asp?ID=2116&from=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+UsgsNewsroom+%28USGS+Newsroom%29&utm_content=Google+Reader

More than 450 scientists, policy-makers, resource managers will be meeting at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in San Francisco on January 29th and 30th to discuss changing climate. This two day workshop will feature discussion about climate changing features, such as Sea-level rise, severe winter storms, salmon populations, carbon sequestration, invasive plants, and migratory birds. Speakers from organizations, universities, and science study places will come together. The event is sponsored by the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Geological Survey. The purpose of the workshop is to share information about climate change with natural resource scientists and managers working to conserve the coastal ecosystems of California, Oregon and Washington. It is also to address the challenges associated with a changing climate.  There will be many presentations and discussions.

I think it's pretty cool that they are doing this little work shop. I mean they did it like a year ago but cool. It is pretty important that we talk about climate change because it could really effect the future. I picked this article because it shows that people are actually DOING something about climate change and global warming instead of just sitting on their butts and saying its bad.

1. Do you think this is a good idea and is it actually going to work?
2. Would you go if you had the chance?
3. Do you think they should do stuff like this more often? Why or why not?
Got it!!!!

Ben rocks...NOT (test)

This is a test blog. I love you all!!! Except Ben. Glee is on tonight. It's a good show. Now i'm going to change the colors and stuff